Allentown Garden Club of New Jersey
Jan 8, 2015 - Monthly Meeting: GCNJ Butterflies & Bee GAP Project
Learn ways to create a pollinator friendly habitat in every yard, garden, park and community garden and grow our pollinator population. Jeannie Geremia, the Garden Club of New Jersey's Community Garden Chair and Bee GAP (Gardeners Adding Pollinators) Chair, will have examples of native bee houses, brochures, pamphlets and door prizes.
Jeannie is a National Garden Clubs Inc. Accredited Flower Show Judge, the GCNJ Contributing Writer for the Gardener News, a monthly newspaper dedicated to gardening in the Garden State, a member of the Raritan Township Open Space Committee, as well as the co-chair of the Raritain Township Community Garedn, speaker and garden enthusiast.