Hidden Gardens Tour - June 8th 2013

Held in partnership with the Allentown Art Guild
Visit their web site at http://www.allentownartguild.org

Click on the pictures of the gardens to see more.

Keris Tree Farm
Sign In and Art Display
Garden #1
Daru Sharp
Garden #2
The Crane Family
Garden #3
Betty and John Elder
Garden #4
Kay and John Boyle
Garden #5
Teri and Chris Nalbone
Garden #6
Renee and John Pypiak
Garden #7
Mo and Fran Franken
Garden #8
Mark Szul
  Garden #9
Julie and Daryl Kobesky

Pleasant Run Nursery

Pictures from the 2013 tour by Sara Matthews.
Art Guild works in order left to right by: Andree Lisette Herz, Ellen McGruff-Silverman, Frank Lumia MD, Karen Overbye